So if you're someone who pays attention to these things you would have noticed the surge in interest in Tartaria, I remember it was a brief topic of discussion some years back however it now seems to have gained some momentum and it has made a strong revival. Though, I can totally understand the interest in this subject because I believe there to be about 500 – 800 years (or even more) missing in the time line that the Vatican rewrote and have erased from our history.
From my own research the anomaly starts around the 1400s right around the time when the printing press is invented. The Catholic Church didn't waste any time and seized the opportunity to immediately begin rewriting their own version of history while destroying all the existing Sacred Texts (unless they locked them up in their Vatican Library).

In fact the first mass printed book was a Bible, the Gutenburg Bible, which was a a Latin version of the Bible. Come on, the Catholic Church couldn't have the plebeians reading the Bible for themselves in English while they were still consolidating their power, in fact it was a crime punishable by death for anybody to read a Bible but a priest. Unfortunately William Tyndale was to find this out when he was burned at the stake on October 6th 1536 for translating the Bible into English.
Not long after the invention of the printing press the Catholic Church would instigate the 15th Century Crusades as well as the invasion of South America. This was the final nail in the coffin for any culture who had possession of Knowledge, the mission of the Catholic Church was to raze everything and everyone that wouldn't adhere or fit into the new narrative.

The Christian Gnostics ie: the Cathars formed a resistance to the Catholic Church's agenda and they did have some successes but by the 15th Century they had been brutally and mercilessly crushed and all obstacles to the Catholic Church's plans for humanity were now removed. I do absolutely believe that during these times the inhabitants of entire regions were brutally erased from memory and then these areas were resettled with their own colonies who were also provided a new history.
So I suppose you have to wonder if Tartaria was one of these regions that can account for this gap in the time line or is it a red herring, a purposeful misdirection? Is the real reason Tartaria is being pushed into the public arena now because it's actually a deflection to keep people mesmerized and speculating on who the Tartarians were which then stops them looking any further for the real truth?

Is Tartaria really just a vehicle being used to push fantasies and illusions of highly advanced civilizations with highly advanced machinery and technology into the minds of the ever gullible masses to keep them chasing their tails? I guess all we can do is speculate, I can't disprove this theory of a highly advanced civilization previous to our own called Tartaria so it is a subject I am open to researching into further, though as with all these types of esoteric subjects, we have to remember it is going to be riddled with half truths.
However, the surge of interest in Tartaria all over social media does make me somewhat suspect, it's definitely giving off a bit of a psyops vibe. Bloomberg even did a hit piece about it in 2021, comparing it to a QAnon conspiracy, this is a classic strategy the establishment use, by openly dismissing any discourse into a subject it therefore legitimizes the subject to a certain group of people who are very distrustful of the gov and media. Though I do understand the reason people have taken such a strong interest in the subject of lost worlds is because there are so many anomalies in our historical time line and so that also gives this subject some legitimacy.
Which brings me to my next point.....what is the point?
So if this is true and we've now confirmed that they lied to us and our history is not what we were taught in school, we now know that there are lost civilizations and our past has been re-written. What now? What do we do with this newly found knowledge? How does it benefit us to now have possession of this knowledge of the highly advanced lost nation of Tartaria?
I suppose we can investigate further by asking, who did this to us? Are they still controlling the narrative? In this sense we are at least using this newly found knowledge to empower ourselves and understand our enemy. However, if you're not willing to investigate and discuss these aspects of the discovery too then it just remains trivia and it's not really worthy of any true intellectual effort or discussion. In other words, if people just want to endlessly speculate and fantasize about the level of advanced technology these lost civilizations had and who they were then it's really just a form of entertainment not knowledge.

The Philosophers taught us that if information does not benefit us or change us then it is not really knowledge, it is trivia. So if we apply this to the discussion around Tartaria we have to ask, how does this information change our lives for the better or worse? Is it benefiting us spiritually and intellectually or is it just a form of entertainment and escapism to help us deal with the monotony of our dull and meaningless lives in a vapid, materialistic and slowly decaying society?
What we should be asking when we spend endless hours beguiled by mysteries of lost worlds such as Tartaria is how does this benefit our soul? Does it help us understand our divine nature and divine origins so we can endeavor to make ourselves worthy of possessing such a gift. Or is it just a discussion for the sake of discussion? Is it elevating the soul who is engaged in the subject of discussion into a higher understanding of itself or is it just aiding them into a form of escapism....because let's be honest, anything less than the true search for ourselves is just a wilful waste of intellect and time.