First full moon after the March Equinox
The Moon is connected with the creation of souls on the material plane, the Full Moon can be likened to the full term belly of a pregnant woman.
Easter Friday - Friday is related to Frigg in Norse mythology and Frigg is Odin's wife. Easter begins on Good Friday.
Easter Saturday – Saturday relates to Saturn and Chronos, the timing of the cycles that bring forth creation.
Easter Sunday – In Greek Mythology Sunday is related to Zeus. The majority of religions worship God on a Sunday and attribute Sunday to the resurrection/reincarnation of Jesus, this symbolizes the creation of divine male in the material world.Eggs are given on Sunday as this represents the egg of creation seeded in the material world by God the Father.Easter Sunday is also Palm Sunday, Palms are also connected to the divine male, Christian iconography of creation of Adam and Eve show Adam positioned beside a palm tree. In the Bible, Christ's triumphant return to the Holy Land is symbolised by people throwing palm fronds before his feet.
"Why is the righteous man compared to a palm tree? Because just as, if a palm tree is cut down, it takes a long time for one to grow again,so if the world loses a righteous man, it is a long time before another arises in his place. Further, just as a palm tree does not grow unlessthe Male be accompanied by the Female, so the righteous cannot flourish save when they are Male and Female together, like Abram and Sarai" — The Zohar
JESUS came to a certain fountain near Bethany, around which grew twelve palm trees,where he often went with his disciples to teach them of the mysteries of the kingdom,and there he sat beneath the shade of the trees and his disciples with him. - The Gospel of the Holy Twelve
It was carved with cherubim and palm trees; and a palm tree was between cherub and cherub, and every cherub had two faces - Ezekiel 41:18
Easter Monday – Monday is related to the Moon and the continued cycle of the divine soul's reincarnation. It is related to the Female because it is the Female that continues to bring the divine portion of God into the material world.
Easter will always fall in the Zodiac of Aries, Aries symbolizes the first born divine male, ie: Emperor Tarot Card, rams heads – knowledge, red robe – divine male.
Easter relates to spring, spring relates to the birth of new life.
Nowruz is still celebrated in modern day Iran, in Persian mythology it relates to the birth of the Golden Age.
Easter Friday – ImpregnationEaster Saturday – GestationEaster Sunday – Birth in the material worldEaster Monday – Regeneration, reincarnation of the divine souls
The Egg is the symbol of divine creation, the cosmic egg symbolises the creation of the Universe in the macrocosm and the creation of the divine humans in the microcosm.
The membrane of the egg can be likened to the membrane between heaven and earth which is why a lot of creation myths connect the egg to the creation of the Universe.
The milky way is seen as the bridge that souls are birthed from and the bridge souls traverse when they return to the afterlife.
The Ancient Egyptians called it the Halls of Maat,
North American Indians called the milky way Tchipai meskenau and considered to be the "bridge" to the Land of Souls.
The Norse called this bridge between heaven and earth bilrost and associated it's location with the milky way. .
“Behold, O Hermes, there is a great mystery in the Eighth Sphere, for the Milky Way is the seed-ground of souls, and from it they drop into the Rings, and to the Milky Way they return again from the wheels of Saturn. But some cannot climb the seven-runged ladder of the Rings. So they wander in darkness below and are swept into eternity with the illusion of sense and earthiness.” - Hermes Trismegistus
The milky way also relates to the birth of the first two divine tribes in the mythology of Leda and the Swan.
Many people know about Castor and Pollux but few know each were born with a female twins too, Helen of Troy and Clytemnestra.
Zeus transforms into Swan, the Swan symbolises the constellation Cygnus, the star Deneb located at the tail of Cynus and is positioned at what is known as the Great Rift of the Milky Way. Zeus then copulates with Leda who then gives birth to two eggs that hatch and produce male and female twins: Castor, Helen of Troy, Pollux and Clytemnestra.
According to Pythagorus Apollo's soul passed into a swan on his death, there is also a ancient Greek vase depicting Apollo next to a palm tree riding a swan with a hare at his feet.
The symbol of the egg relates to the birth of divine humans.
Many cross culture myths about the divine being connected to eggs.
In ancient Greece mythology the god Phanes was created androgynous and birthed from an egg who in turn gave birth to the gods, the symbol of Phanes is a man wrapped in a serpent inside the shape of an egg. Phanes is also known as Phanes-Dionysus, confirming he is symbolizing the creation story of the first born divine male. This represents the first born divine man, who all the other divine are created through, we see the serpent connected to the King Nuada and Queen Danu of the Tuatha de Danann and the Tribe of Dan.
In Ancient Egypt Ra was birthed from Osiris who was an egg, Ra is the Ancient Egyptian symbol for the first born divine man.
Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead:"O thou who art in the egg (i.e., Ra), who shinest from thy disk and risest in thy horizon,and dost shine like gold above the sky, like unto whom there is none among the gods,"Saith Osiris Ani: "I am the Egg of the Great Cackler, and I watch and guard that great place,which the god Seb hath proclaimed upon earth."
Egyptian Goddess Unut connected to the hare and the snake and worshipped alongside Thoth.
The Chinese Palangs trace their ancestry to a Naga princess who laid three eggs.
In some myths Mithras was said to be born from an egg and a stone relief was found in Hadrin's Wall Britain that is said to be of Mythros inside a zodiac being born from an egg, almost identical to the depiction of Phanes
Painting eggs symbolizes the different attributes and skills of each of the divine humans.
The rabbit symbolises the intellect of the female, knowledge, purity, virgin birth and the divine operation of the divine and mortal female reproducing God's divine portionor spark into the material world.
In a Native American myth the rabbit is challenged by two snakes to have a tug of war over a river, the rabbit fools the snakes into holding each end of therope each believing the rabbit is on the other end. This myth shows the rabbit is intelligent and strategy. They have also used the archetypal symbols of the divine man.
Alice follows the white rabbit down the rabbit hole to discover knowledge about herself.
The Celts attributed the symbol of the hare to the divine Trinity, abundance and good fortune, they were also considered to be connected with the Otherworld and were sacred and not to be hunted or eaten. The Celts believed that rabbits burrowed underground in order to better commune withthe spirit world, and that they could carry messages from the living to the dead and from humankind to the faeries.
Hares were associated with the Greek Goddess Artemis, she was considered their protector and would not allow them to be hunted or eaten.
In China, The Hare in the Moon is depicted with a mortar and pestle in which She mixes the elixir of immortality.This goddess conceives through the touch of the full moon’s light without the need of impregnation by a male (symbolizing the virgin birth).
Carvings of rabbits eating grapes and figs appear on both Greek and Roman tombs symbolizing their connection to the divine man and woman who are often called thefruits of God. Teutonic myth the goddess Holda had a chariot drawn by hares and Freyja the Norse goddess of was also served by hares.
Ishtar's symbols were not the egg and rabbit.Ishtar's symbols were the the lion, the morning star, and eight or sixteen pointed stars—again, symbols of power.
The word Easter is sometimes often connected the German goddess Eostre, she was called the dawn—a bringer of light and one of her symbols was a hare.
All female goddesses including Mary were connected to the symbol of the rabbit because it is an archetype.