The legend of the Tuatha Dé Danann tells of a race of divine beings or gods who possessed supernatural powers who arrived in Ireland shrouded in a mist (the mist is symbolizing the aether).
This race of divine beings were led by a King called Nuada and a Queen called Danu. There are accounts of the Tuatha de Danann and Goddess Danu in various parts of Europe including Denmark, once known as Danmark, Norway, Austria and even Ancient Greece. Some even say they fled from Atlantis when it sunk beneath the ocean.
And just as the Tribes of Israel are separated into four clans the Tuatha Dé Danann were also separated into four clans symbolized by different cities and poets, they also had in their possession four sacred treasures and each of the four kings of the clans wielded one of these magical items:
Sword of Nuada which was said to be a sword of light,
Stone of Fal stone of destiny was said to roar with joy when the rightful king placed his foot upon it,
Cauldron of Dagda was said to never empty and nobody ever left unsatisfied and the
Spear of Lug, no battle was ever sustained against it or the man that held it.